Saturday, June 9, 2012

C4T # 1

hands growing like flowers

"Researchers Workshop"

I recently read a post by Denise Krebs titled Researchers Workshop. I really recommend checking out her Blog . I found the experiment that she conducted with her students extremely interesting. She allowed her students to choose a topic, research for three hours on the topic of choice, and do an assignement on the topic. Her students were allowed to really show their creativity. They produced movies, posters, an imovie, and even a facebook page. She required that they use the entire three hours researching their topics. The students seemed to really get interested in doing the research. I left denise a comment stating how interesting the assignment seemed. I informed her that I loved the way she allowed them to choose their own topics. When children are able to choose a topic of interest I feel they will do a better job. Ms Krebs seemed to be really impressed with the outcome.

quote about mistakes

Do We Learn Most of All By our Mistakes"

I read "Do we learn most of all by our mistakes" by Denise Krebs, and I must say I was laughing out loud. In this post Denise tells how she was allowed to learn from her mistakes. She told about a time in Junior High when she had to bake a banana bread. She disobeyed the instructor and set the temp higher than instructed. The end result was her cake was pretty on the outside with a raw filling. The teacher could have made her eat the cake, but instead just informed her to follow instruction next time. She also told about a time when she attempted a family recipe, and didn't know to cook hamburger meat before adding it to the dish. She was able to fix it and now she feels that being allowed to make the mistakes and learn to do the task correctly it made her the great cook she is today.
I believe Denise made a great point about mistakes. By making mistakes it helps us to remember what "not to do". Mistakes are made daily, and by acknowledging wrong doing helps you grow to be a better person.


  1. Jamie,
    Great work on your blog for your summer class. Thanks for commenting on my blog, and for writing about my blog on yours. You will have a great head start when you get in the teaching field, as not all teachers have embraced the conversation you have become a part of. It makes all the difference, though, so keep it going. Continue to make connections and contribute and share your genius with the world.



    By the way, you don't need the www in my blog address. ;)

  2. So what can I add? Not much. Good for you!
